NXG Smart Inventory Management

NXG Smart Inventory Management

NXG Smart Inventory Management Software

NXG Smart Inventory is a very advanced inventory management software. Developed with utmost care and solely designed to prove your helping hand in managing your inventory hustle without any trouble

  1. Cost efficient & user friendly.
  2. All bills available in printable forms.
  3. Item wise records of purchase, sale, stock.
  4. Dealer wise records of purchase, sale, amount collected/outstanding.
  5. Customer wise records of items purchased, amount paid, mode of payments, etc.

NXG Smart Inventory Software Screenshot

Image 04

Customer Partial Payment

Image 04

Customer Payment Info

Image 04

New Item

Image 01

Purchase Entry

Image 01

Delete Customer Bill

Image 01

Sales Bill Entry

Image 01

Edit Customer Bill